github aws/aws-cdk v1.66.0

latest releases: v2.147.2, v2.147.1, v2.147.0...
3 years ago


  • cfnspec: cloudformation spec v18.4.0 (#10493) (fa50369)
  • cfnspec: cloudformation spec v18.5.0 (#10636) (e99cf63)
  • events-targets: option to provide an existing role to use with the StepFunctions State Machine target (#10551) (b96efd8), closes #8255

Bug Fixes

  • codebuild: permissions for Project in VPC used incorrect AWS partition (#10637) (b207888), closes #10634
  • codecommit: use region given in fromRepositoryArn when creating clone urls (#10639) (934553c), closes #10630
  • core,cx-api: docker bundling fails during tests on macOS (#10620) (0331508), closes #10262

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