github aws/aws-cdk v1.111.0

latest releases: v2.146.0, v2.145.0, v2.144.0...
2 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • aws-elasticloadbalancingv2: cannot clear access logging bucket prefix (#15149) (2e93fb9), closes #14044
  • cloudfront: cannot set header including 'authorization' in OriginRequestPolicy (#15327) (3a2f642), closes #15286
  • codepipeline-actions: reduce S3SourceAction role permissions to just the key (#15304) (d2c76aa), closes #15112
  • core: unresolved tokens in generated nested stack outputs (#15380) (62e552c), closes #15155
  • eks: kubectl version 1.21.0 breaks object pruning (#15314) (74da5c1), closes #15072
  • pipelines: artifact bucket permissions missing for in-account deployments (#15348) (2a5e288), closes #15307
  • stepfunctions-tasks: EcsRunTask containerOverrides throws if container name doesn't match construct ID (#15190) (5f59787), closes #15171

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