github aws/aws-application-networking-k8s v1.0.4
Release v1.0.4

latest releases: v1.0.7, 1.0.7, 1.0.6...
3 months ago

Release v1.0.4 includes integration with the pod readiness gate to enable zero downtime rolling deployments.

What's Changed

  • Fixed incorrect ipv6 cluster create command example in docs #599
  • Integrated pod readiness gates to prevent sending traffic to pods before they are ready, enabling zero downtime deployments, please check the doc for more detail #606, #607
  • Listened to EndpointSlice events to track pod readiness status #604
  • Fixed the bug when getting tags fails for a service network association. Now logs and skips deletion instead of failing #600

Full Change log: v1.0.3...v1.0.4

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