github aws/amazon-ssm-agent 3.0.413.0
Amazon SSM Agent - Release 3.0.413.0 - 2020-11-17

latest releases: 3.3.551.0, 3.3.484.0, 3.3.418.0...
3 years ago
  • Add additional checks and logs to install scripts
  • Add retry logic to handle ssm document during reboot
  • Add dockerfile to build agent
  • Add script to package binaries to tar
  • Change default download directory on Linux to /var/lib/amazon/ssm
  • Extend SSM Agent ability to execute from relative path and use custom certificates
  • Fix IP address parsing in domain join plugin
  • Fix self update logging
  • Log fingerprint similarity check failures as ERROR and each changed machine property as WARN
  • Prefix ecs target id with 'ecs:'
  • Prefer non-link-local addresses to show in Console
  • Use IMDSv1 after IMDSv2

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