github aws-solutions/instance-scheduler-on-aws v3.0.0

latest release: v3.0.1
25 days ago

[3.0.0] - 2024-06-05


  • Added support for scheduling of Neptune and DocumentDB clusters
  • Added support for scheduling of ASG through the automatic creation of Scheduled Scaling Rules from configured schedules
  • Added optional Operational Insights Dashboard to CloudWatch for monitoring and insights into solution performance
  • Added support for using multiple EC2 maintenance windows with a single schedule
  • Added ability to specify KMS keys that Instance Scheduler should be granted permissions to use when starting
    EC2 instances with encrypted EBS volumes


  • Separated "Scheduled Services" parameter into individual enabled/disabled parameters for each supported service
  • Upgrade Python runtime to 3.11
  • Extensive refactoring to internal code to improve code quality and testability
  • CloudWatch metrics feature renamed to "Per Schedule Metrics" and integrated with new Operational Insights Dashboard
  • DynamoDB Deletion Protection now enabled by default on solution DynamoDB tables.
  • Refactored maintenance window dynamodb table to be more cost-efficient at scale
  • Updated schedule logs to include SchedulingDecision entries for all decisions made by the EC2/RDS schedulers.
  • Scheduler CLI will now error when attempting to overwrite schedules managed by CloudFormation


  • Configuration settings from CloudFormation parameters no longer duplicated in DynamoDB
  • Remove deprecated "overwrite" Schedule flag (distinct from still-supported "override" flag)
  • Cloudwatch Metrics feature replaced with Operational Monitoring


  • Fixed deployment error in China partition, introduced in v1.5.0
  • Fixed bug where CloudFormation Schedules used UTC timezone if not specified in template (instead of stack default)
  • Fixed bug that would cause the scheduling request handler lambda would hang when trying to scheduler more than 50 RDS instances in the same region
  • Fixed bug that would sometimes cause the CFN schedule custom resource to error when many schedules were deployed in parallel
  • Fixed bug that would cause spoke stacks to not be correctly deregistered from the hub stack when undeployed
  • Fixed bug in cli describe_schedule_usage command that would incorrectly estimate the behavior of schedules using nth weekday expressions
  • Fixed bug that would cause schedules using monthday ranges of the format "n-31" to fail to load in months
    with less days then the end of the range (such as February)
  • Fixed configured_in_stack property not being correctly applied to periods deployed by CloudFormation custom resource.


  • Break monolith Lambda Function and permissions apart based on principle of least privilege
  • Spoke stack trust permissions restricted to only specific lambda roles in the Hub account
  • Allow KMS keys for scheduling encrypted EBS volumes to be specified directly on hub/spoke stacks in cloudformation
    rather needing to be added to scheduling roles manually
  • Upgrade Requests to mitigate CVE-2024-35195

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