github aws-cloudformation/cfn-lint v0.50.0
Release v0.50.0

latest releases: v1.5.0, v0.87.9, v1.4.2...
3 years ago
  • Update rule E2507 to validate resource configuration in an IAM policy (pull #2023)
  • Update aws-sam-translator to 1.36.0 (pull #2027)
CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update resource specs to 37.1.0 (pull #2012)
  • Update Lambda EOL for dotnetcore2.1 (pull #2015)
  • UPdate Lambda EOL for nodejs10.x and ruby2.5 (pull #2033)
  • Fix an issue with rule E7003 when a Fn::Transform was in a mapping (pull #2017)
  • Fix an issue when finding duplicate keys where the 2nd error wasn't to the key (pull #2011)

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