github aws-amplify/amplify-cli v4.50.0

latest releases: v12.12.2, amplify-python-function-runtime-provider@2.4.44, amplify-nodejs-function-runtime-provider@2.5.21...
3 years ago

Change Log

This release introduces S3 Server-Side-Encryption by default for all S3 buckets created by the CLI. This has no impact on putting and getting objects from the buckets so there is no impact to existing applications. It does require the s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration permission on the IAM Role / User used to deploy with the CLI.

amplify-category-api 2.31.4 (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes

amplify-category-function 2.31.4 (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes

amplify-category-storage 2.11.4 (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes

amplify-cli 4.50.0 (2021-04-27)


amplify-cli-core 1.21.0 (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes


amplify-e2e-core 1.18.0 (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes


amplify-e2e-tests 2.39.0 (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes


amplify-frontend-ios 2.19.4 (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes

  • amplify-frontend-ios: update xcode project on pull (#7152) (9d5cb21)

amplify-frontend-javascript 2.21.4 (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes

amplify-provider-awscloudformation 4.45.0 (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes


amplify-util-mock 3.30.4 (2021-04-27)

Bug Fixes

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