github ava-labs/subnet-evm v0.6.6

16 days ago

This version is backwards compatible to v0.6.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 35 and is compatible with AvalancheGo versions v1.11.3-v1.11.7.


  • eth_getActiveRulesAt changed to show avalancheRules, ethRules, and precompiles at given timestamp (current header time if not specified). precompiles now will show the precompile name, rather than the address.
  • Deprecated eth_getActivatedPrecompilesAt in favor of eth_getActiveRulesAt


  • Updated minimum Golang version to 1.21.11
  • Updated AvalancheGo library version to 1.11.7


  • Fixed a case in state sync that leads to writing to a closed channel when a storage trie splits into segments.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.6.5...v0.6.6

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