github ava-labs/avalanchego v1.9.10
Banff.10 - Warp UX Improvements

latest releases: v1.11.9-rc.4, v1.11.9-rc.3, v1.11.9-rc.2...
16 months ago

This version is backwards compatible to v1.9.0. It is optional, but encouraged. The supported plugin version is 24.


  • Removed parent tracking from merkledb.trieView
  • Removed base caches from merkledb.trieView
  • Fixed error handling during merkledb intermediate node eviction
  • Replaced values larger than 32 bytes with a hash in the merkledb hash representation


  • Refactored avm API tx creation into a standalone Spender implementation
  • Migrated UTXO interfaces from the platformvm into the components for use in the avm
  • Refactored avm tx.SyntacticVerify to expect the config rather than the fee fields


  • Updated the minimum golang version to v1.19.6
  • Fixed rpcchainvm signal handling to only shutdown upon receipt of SIGTERM
  • Added warp.Signature#NumSigners for better cost tracking support
  • Added snow.Context#PublicKey to provide access to the local node's BLS public key inside the VM execution environment
  • Renamed Avalanche consensus metric prefix to avalanche_{chainID}_avalanche
  • Specified an explicit TCP Linger timeout of 15 seconds
  • Updated the secp256k1 library to v4.1.0


  • Removed support for the --whitelisted-subnets flag
  • Removed unnecessary abstractions from the app package
  • Removed Factory embedding from platformvm.VM and avm.VM
  • Removed validator package from the platformvm
  • Removed timer.TimeoutManager
  • Replaced snow.Context in Factory.New with logging.Logger
  • Renamed set.Bits#Len to BitLen and set.Bits#HammingWeight to Len to align with set.Bits64

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