github ava-labs/avalanchego v1.4.6
Apricot Phase 2 - Patch 6

latest releases: v1.11.9-rc.0, v1.11.9-status-removal.2, v1.11.9-status-removal...
3 years ago

This update is backwards compatible. It is optional, but encouraged. The patch includes performance improvements and bug fixes.

If the previously installed node version is <= v1.4.4 then this node will perform a database migration. For details about the database migration please see the v1.4.5 release notes. If the previously installed node version is v1.4.5 then this node use the existing database and does not need to perform a database migration.

  • Removes invalid transaction issuance into P-chain mempool that caused high sustained DB writes.
  • Ignored non-database files and folders in the database directory. This should specifically fix errors reported on macOS with .DS_Store files.
  • Fixed the build-dir flag to be able to be specified via CLI without causing the preupgrade node to error.
  • Removed the plugin-dir flag that is no longer supported with the node-manager daemon. Typically not specifying the flag leads to the correct behavior. However, for complex installations the build-dir flag may be required.
  • Enforced gossiping messages only to connections that have finished the peer handshake.
  • Reduced memory allocations during consensus traversals and bootstrapping.

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