github ava-labs/avalanchego v1.4.5
Apricot Phase 2 - Patch 5 - DB Upgrade

latest releases: v1.11.5-rc.3, v1.11.5-rc.2, v1.11.5-rc.0...
2 years ago

This update is backwards compatible. It is optional, but highly encouraged. The patch includes significant performance improvements and numerous other updates.

This upgrade is more involved than the typical version update. More detailed instructions and an FAQ can be found here.

VM Improvements:

  • Fully redesigned the platformvm's state management.
    • Removed the usage of versiondbs being passed through blocks to pass state references that can be modified and read without re-parsing objects.
    • Implemented a base state manager to properly cache and mange writes to the underlying database.
    • Implemented CoW validator sets to enable caching multiple validator sets in memory.
    • Indexed chains by subnet to avoid touching unused state objects.
    • Indexed validators by nodeID to avoid unnecessary iterations while accepting addDelegator and addSubnetValidator transactions.
    • Reduced the number of key-value pairs dedicated to managing validator sets on disk and validator uptimes.
  • Added staking reward look-ups to the platformvm's API to support indexing of rewards.
  • Refactored validator uptime metering to simplify testing.
  • Added block and transaction type metrics to the platformvm.
  • Added API call metrics to the avm and the platformvm.
  • Updated the avm's state management to use prefixdbs, record caching metrics, and share additional code with the platformvm.
  • Simplified UTXO management and indexing in the avm and platformvm.
  • Restructured address parsing and management to be fully shared across compatible VM instances.
  • Restructured shared memory of the primary subnet to be fully shared across VM instances.
  • Added a chain state implementation to support seamless caching over existing VM implementations and to simplify the implementation of new VMs.
  • Integrated the new chain state manager into the rpcchainvm, which also adds various metrics.
  • Added upgradeBytes and configBytes to the standard VM interface to better support future network upgrades.
  • Added getAtomicTx and getAtomicTxStatus endpoints to the evm API.
  • Simplified evm block production to be synchronously performed with the consensus engine.
  • Added an atomic transaction mempool to re-introduce orphaned atomic transactions.
  • Fixed bug in the evm client to properly set the sourceChain in getAtomicUTXOs.
  • Integrated the new chain state manager into the evm to better optimize block management.

Bootstrapping Improvements:

  • Removed re-traversals during bootstrapping. This significantly improves the performance of the node during restarts of the bootstrapping process.
  • Fixed an ungraceful node shutdown when attempting to exit the node while executing bootstrapped containers.
  • Fixed duplicated IPC container broadcasts during bootstrapping.
  • Standardized the bootstrapping jobs queue to write to state using prefixdbs rather than implementing custom prefixing.
  • Added additional bootstrapping caching and cache metrics.

Database Migration Additions:

  • Added a daemon process manager to seamlessly migrate to the updated database format.
  • Refactored version handling to track database semantic versions.
  • Implemented a database manager to track and operate over different database versions.
  • Implemented a keystore migration that automatically copies users from the v1.0.0 database to the v1.4.5 database.
  • Implemented a validator uptime migration from the v1.0.0 database to the v1.4.5 database.

Node Improvements:

  • Updating config parsing to always expand environment variables.
  • Refactored the node config to allow specifying TLS certificates in memory without touching disk.
  • Added better support for meaningful exit codes.
  • Displayed listening address of the http and staking servers to aid in supporting non-specific port mappings.
  • Implemented a versionable database to be able to toggle between a pass through database and a versioned database.
  • Optimized ID Set pre-allocations and reduced the memory usage of the structs.
  • Enforced stricter linting rules.

Modified command line arguments:

For the following arguments "default" was previously treated as a keyword. Now, "default" will attempt to be treated as the intended value of the flag. To retain the default behavior, the flag should not be specified.

  • config-file
  • coreth-config
  • plugin-dir
  • staking-tls-key-file
  • staking-tls-cert-file
  • bootstrap-ips
  • bootstrap-ids
  • ipcs-path
  • db-dir

For the following arguments "" was previously treated as a keyword. Now, "" will attempt to be treated as the intended value of the flag. To retain the default behavior, the flag should not be specified.

  • ipcs-chain-ids
  • log-dir
  • log-display-level

It is no longer required that the bootstrap-ips and bootstrap-ids are paired. This means it is now valid to specify a different number of bootstrap-ips than bootstrap-ids. The bootstrap-ips are used to initially connect to the network and the bootstrap-ids are used as the beacons in bootstrapping.

Added command line arguments:

  • fetch-only
  • build-dir

Removed command line arguments:

  • xput-server-port
  • xput-server-enabled

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