github ava-labs/avalanchego v1.11.7
Durango.7 - Metrics Overhaul Preparation

latest releases: v1.11.9-status-removal, v1.11.8, v1.11.8-rc.5...
24 days ago

This version is backwards compatible to v1.11.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 35 and is compatible with versions v1.11.3-v1.11.6.


  • Added peer's trackedSubnets that are not locally tracked to the response from info.peers


  • Changed the undocumented pebble option for --db-type to be pebbledb and documented the option


  • Removed repeated DB compaction during bootstrapping that caused a significant regression in bootstrapping times
  • Fixed C-Chain state-sync crash
  • Fixed C-Chain state-sync ETA calculation
  • Fixed Subnet owner reported by platform.getSubnets after a subnet's owner was rotated

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.11.6...v1.11.7

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