github ava-labs/avalanchego v1.11.6
Durango.6 - Bootstrapping Execution Improvements

latest releases: v1.11.9, v1.11.9-rc.5, v1.11.9-rc.4...
one month ago

This version is backwards compatible to v1.11.0. It is optional, but encouraged.

The plugin version is unchanged at 35 and is compatible with versions v1.11.3-v1.11.5.


  • Updated cache metrics:
    • *_cache_put_sum was replaced with *_cache_put_time
    • *_cache_get_sum was replaced with *_cache_get_time
    • *_cache_hit and *_cache_miss were removed and *_cache_get_count added a result label
  • Updated db metrics:
    • *_db_{method}_count were replaced with *_db_calls with a method label
    • *_db_{method}_sum were replaced with *_db_duration with a method label
    • *_db_{method}_size_count were deleted
    • *_db_{method}_size_sum were replaced with *_db_size with a method label
  • Updated p2p message compression metrics:
    • avalanche_network_codec_{type}_{op}_{direction}_time_count were replaced with avalanche_network_codec_compressed_count with direction, op, and type labels
  • Updated p2p message metrics:
    • avalanche_network_{op}_{io} were replaced with avalanche_network_msgs with compressed:"false", io, and op labels
    • avalanche_network_{op}_{io}_bytes were replaced with avalanche_network_msgs_bytes with io and op labels
    • avalanche_network_{op}_compression_saved_{io}_bytes_sum were replaced with avalanche_network_msgs_bytes_saved with io and op labels
    • avalanche_network_{op}_compression_saved_{io}_bytes_count were replaced with avalanche_network_msgs with compressed:"true", io, and op labels
    • avalanche_network_{op}_failed were replaced with avalanche_network_msgs_failed_to_send with an op label
  • Updated p2p sdk message metrics:
    • *_p2p_{op}_count were replaced with *_p2p_msg_count with an op label
    • *_p2p_{op}_time were replaced with *_p2p_msg_time with an op label
  • Updated consensus message queue metrics:
    • avalanche_{chainID}_handler_unprocessed_msgs_{op} were replaced with avalanche_{chainID}_handler_unprocessed_msgs_count with an op label
    • avalanche_{chainID}_handler_async_unprocessed_msgs_{op} were replaced with avalanche_{chainID}_handler_unprocessed_msgs_count with an op label
  • Updated consensus handler metrics:
    • avalanche_{chainID}_handler_{op}_count were replaced with avalanche_{chainID}_handler_messages with an op label
    • avalanche_{chainID}_handler_{op}_msg_handling_count was deleted
    • avalanche_{chainID}_handler_{op}_msg_handling_sum were replaced with avalanche_{chainID}_handler_message_handling_time with an op label
    • avalanche_{chainID}_handler_{op}_sum were replaced with avalanche_{chainID}_handler_locking_time
  • Updated consensus sender metrics:
    • avalanche_{chainID}_{op}_failed_benched were replaced with avalanche_{chainID}_failed_benched with an op label
  • Updated consensus latency metrics:
    • avalanche_{chainID}_lat_{op}_count were replaced with avalanche_{chainID}_response_messages with an op label
    • avalanche_{chainID}_lat_{op}_sum were replaced with avalanche_{chainID}_response_message_latencies with an op label
  • Updated X-chain metrics:
    • avalanche_X_vm_avalanche_{tx}_txs_accepted were replaced with avalanche_X_vm_avalanche_txs_accepted with a tx label
  • Updated P-chain metrics:
    • avalanche_P_vm_{tx}_txs_accepted were replaced with avalanche_P_vm_txs_accepted with a tx label
    • avalanche_P_vm_{blk}_blks_accepted were replaced with avalanche_P_vm_blks_accepted with a blk label


  • Fixed performance regression while executing blocks in bootstrapping
  • Fixed peer connection tracking in the P-chain and C-chain to re-enable tx pull gossip
  • Fixed C-chain deadlock while executing blocks in bootstrapping after aborting state sync
  • Fixed negative ETA while fetching blocks after aborting state sync
  • Fixed C-chain snapshot initialization after state sync
  • Fixed panic when running avalanchego in environments with an incorrectly implemented monotonic clock
  • Fixed memory corruption when accessing keys and values from released pebbledb iterators
  • Fixed prefixdb compaction when specifying a nil limit

What's Changed

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Full Changelog: v1.11.5...v1.11.6

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