This snapshot release is for testing purposes and not compatible with Gemini network.
Main changes
- Dedicated reserved peers protocol was introduced for Subspace networking
- Domains now have their dedicated functional subnets
- Transaction sortition was implemented in bundle production, defining rules which transactions bundle proposer can include
- A bunch of other internal changes related to decoupled execution and domains
- Notion of core domains was mostly removed, leading to simplified architecture
- Insecure KZG trusted setup parameters were replaced with intermediate parameters from Ethereum KZG Summoning Ceremony (and will be replaced with final values once ceremony is over)
- Substrate was updated to latest upstream git version
- Some preparation steps, leading to eventual node sync from DSN by default (and removal of archival nodes requirement)
Ubuntu and Windows x86-64 builds
There are two versions:
- skylake: for Intel Skylake/AMD Ryzen processors and newer
- x86-64-v2: for older processors since ~2009 and some old VMs
- older processors/VMs are no longer supported by official releases, but can still be compiled manually if desired