github autokey/autokey v0.96.0-beta.1

latest releases: v0.96.0, v0.96.0-beta.10, v0.96.0-beta.9...
pre-release2 years ago

Changelog for this tag is mostly replicated below.

  • Script and phrase metadata are no longer stored as hidden dotfiles.
    Existing scripts should be automatically converted, but if switch
    back to versions prior to this one, you will need to copy or symlink
    them back to dotfile form.
  • Scripting API files are now in Python packages, which may require
    adjusting imports if you have scripts that import them directly.
  • Change the default phrase send mode to [ctrl+v]{.title-ref} (paste
    using clipboard) rather than sending keys one at a time.
  • This version represents some significant refactoring since the
    previous update, so bug reports will be highly appreciated.
  • Deprecated: Confusingly named engine.create_abbreviation() and
    engine.create_hotkey() are deprecated and will be removed in the
    future. Use engine.create_phrase() with appropriate arguments

engine API object

  • Deprecated: Confusingly named engine.create_abbreviation() and
    engine.create_hotkey() are deprecated and will be removed in the
    future. Use engine.create_phrase() with appropriate arguments
  • Extended: engine.create_phrase() now supports multiple new optional
    arguments, allowing to fully configure the created phrase. It can
    set everything the GUI can do.
  • New: Scripts can use engine.get_triggered_abbreviation() to read
    which abbreviation triggered it's execution.
  • The function returns a tuple containing the abbreviation and the
    trigger character (the character that 'completed' or 'confirmed'
    the abbreviation. Both tuple elements are None if the script was
    not triggered by an abbreviation. The trigger character is None if
    the script was configured to 'trigger immediately'. The function
    always returns a tuple, so direct tuple unpacking like abbreviation,
    trigger = engine.get_triggered_abbreviation() will always work.
  • Allow creation of 'temporary' hotkeys and whole folders (which do
    not persist between sessions).
  • Allow overriding existing hotkeys when creating phrases with
  • Allow creation of folders.

keyboard API object

  • keyboard.send_keys() got a new optional parameter send_mode,
    allowing to specify how the given text is sent. It basically offers
    the same pasting options as are available to AutoKey Phrases.
  • keyboard.send_keys() now raises a TypeError instead of a generic
    AssertionError, if parameters don't match the expected types.

New mouse API object

  • Add mouse drag, click and scroll options to the API.

Command line interface

  • Added a --version command line switch. It prints the current
    AutoKey version on the standard output and then exits.

Graphical user interfaces

  • (GTK) Warn user about missing required and optional programs on
  • (GTK) UI will now update when changes are detected to watched files.
  • (GTK) refresh UI if script files are modified externally
  • Use system monospace font
  • Add setting to change GtkSourceView theme, (defaults to classic).


  • Add wait_for_keyevent scripting function.
  • Rewrote script error logging system, with a neat Script Error Dialog
    to go with it.
  • <script> script macros accept absolute paths.
  • Macro arguments can be quoted, allowing arguments containing spaces.
  • Macro arguments can contain angle bracket characters, if escaped.
  • Add <system> macro for replacing phrase contents
    with output of an external process.
  • Allow autokey-run to accept full paths to python
    scripts (if no full path is given, will treat as an existing Autokey
    script name instead).
  • Expand unicode characters using code points (hacky workaround for
    being unable to send actual unicode).
  • Allow disabling Capslock in settings
  • Link to script .py and .json above
  • Add appropriate keywords to .desktop files for both

Bug fixes

  • Both QT and GTK versions will reload hotkeys after a keymap change
  • Fix locking issue
  • Expose Alt_GR as a hotkey modifier on GTK.
  • (GTK) Fixed GUI lock-up, if multiple script error notifications are
    posted in quick succession. The notifications are now rate-limited
    and won't post more than one notification per second. Fixes issue

Scripting API

  • Fixed API call system.exec_command() crashing, if
    output capturing is active, but the executed command has empty
    output. Fixes issue #379


  • Fixed AutoKey PNG icon size. Now, the icon size is 96x96 pixels,
    fixing Lintian warnings on Debian. Fixes issue #369

Other changes

  • Add CI for testing
  • Update pip installation requirements
  • Internal Code cleanup. The configuration handling module is split
    into multiple modules inside a dedicated package.
  • AutoKey now has a working test environment again.
    pytest based unit-tests can be launched from the
    source checkout using python3 test

New Dependencies (test-time only)

The new unit tests introduce two new, test-time only dependencies.
These are used for unit tests only and not during normal AutoKey

  • pytest
  • PyHamcrest

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