github atomicals/atomicals-electrumx v1.5.0.0-beta.2

latest releases: v1.5.0.3, v1.5.0.2, v1.5.0.1...
pre-release25 days ago

What's Changed

  1. The node is now compatible with Bitcoin Testnet 4.
  2. Adds blockchain.atomicals.validate_psbt_blueprint and blockchain.atomicals.validate_tx_blueprint.
    blockchain.atomcials.validate provides a straight validation about FT transfer, yet doesn't return a human-readable output. The new method takes the result and makes conversions.
  3. Adds blockchain.atomicals.decode_psbt and blockchain.atomicals.decode_tx.
    They decode the transaction and return operations, burns, inputs, outputs, and Atomicals.
  4. Adds /proxy/ to obtain the actual Atomicals Indexer Node version and what AIPs did the node have implemented.
  5. Allows z to manipulate NFTs.
  6. Introduces a shared session instance to unify handlers between different sessions.
  7. Codes are formatted by pre-commit.

Full Changelog: v1.5.0.0-beta.1...v1.5.0.0-beta.2

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