github atlassian/react-beautiful-dnd v7.0.0

latest releases: v13.1.1, v13.1.0, v13.0.0...
6 years ago


We have now moved to React 16 🎉 #202 #406

adventure time gif-downsized_large

This is a breaking change 💥 as we now expect a minimum peer dependency version of React 16.3.1.

You will need to upgrade your dependency on React:

# npm
npm install react@^16.3.1 --save

# yarn
yarn add react@^16.3.1

By simply moving to React 16 consumers get a fairly nice performance improvement when reordering items in DragDropContext > onDragEnd:

Description React 15 React 16 Reduction
Moving an item a single position forward in a list 120ms 51ms 58%
Moving an item from the top of a list to the bottom 370ms 274ms 26%
Moving an item a single position forward in a column of a board 71ms 23ms 67%
Moving an item between columns in a board 230ms 151ms 34%

Data set

List: 500 items
Board: 500 items spread into four equal columns

As a part of this upgrade we have also moved away from the deprecated React lifecycle methods internally 🤘.

Draggable api cleanup #8

We no longer require you to insert a sibling placeholder element for a Draggable:

<Draggable draggableId="draggable-1" index={0}>
  {(provided, snapshot) => (
-  <div>
        Drag me!
-    {provided.placeholder}
-   </div>

So clean!! We also have the additional benefit of not requiring consumers to wrap Draggable elements in another node. This allows for much cleaner HTML.

Semantic <table> reordering

Due to the changes to the Draggable api it is now possible to have semantic html <table>s that are able to be reordered. We have also created a table pattern to assist you in creating reorderable tables regardless of layout.


React.Portal support

As a part of this release we have not swapped over to using React.Portal by default for dragging items. This is because we found a big performance hit in using them - especially when dragging items with a lot of children. However, if you need to use portals we have created a using a portal pattern to help you implement your own React.Portal solution in just a few lines of code.

Additionally, we have also done some internal work to ensure that using a React.Portal works correctly. Including ensuring that Draggable's moved in or out of a portal retain browser focus if it had it.

You can see this in action in our portal example (source) or table portal example (source).



  • We now cancel a drag if the page visibility changes #83. Thanks @grady-lad for initiating this change and seeing it through!
  • We now record the sizes of our bundles and their treeshaked sizes within the library itself so we can more quickly see any size regressions #405. Thanks @TrySound!!
  • Now providing cjs and esm bundles rather than requiring file traversal #429. This also prevents importing files that are not public api (eg import something from 'react-beautifull-dnd/dist/something.js') Thanks @TrySound!!



No more sibling placeholder required

<Draggable draggableId="draggable-1" index={0}>
  {(provided, snapshot) => (
-  <div>
        Drag me!
-    {provided.placeholder}
-   </div>


placeholder has been removed

type DraggableProvided = {|
  innerRef: (?HTMLElement) => void,
  draggableProps: DraggableProps,
  dragHandleProps: ?DragHandleProps,
-  placeholder: ?ReactElement,

DraggableProvided > DragHandleProps

Event handlers have been updated

type DragHandleProps = {|
+  onFocus: () => void,
+  onBlur: () => void,
  onMouseDown: (event: MouseEvent) => void,
  onKeyDown: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void,
  onTouchStart: (event: TouchEvent) => void,
- onTouchMove: (event: TouchEvent) => void,
  'data-react-beautiful-dnd-drag-handle': string,
  'aria-roledescription': string,
  tabIndex: number,
  draggable: boolean,
  onDragStart: (event: DragEvent) => void,

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