What's Changed
- Rewrite of PartitionIdentity configuration, added docs. by @mhelleborg in #1400
- Proto.Remote Improve list process with patterns by @rogeralsing in #1430
- Display deserialization exceptions together with the error message. by @DenizPiri in #1449
- Apply Dotnetoss feedback by @rogeralsing in #1448
- Maintain actor metrics example by @pblachut in #1450
- Fix ReenterAfter still sending messages after the ActorSystem gets shutdown. by @DenizPiri in #1454
- Bump OpenTelemetry.Api from 1.2.0-rc1 to 1.2.0-rc2 by @dependabot in #1451
- Don't execute older Continuations on older Actor instances after the actor is recreated. by @DenizPiri in #1462
- Fix logging error in ActorContext.HandleContinuation by @DenizPiri in #1463
- Align OT versions by @rogeralsing in #1465
- Don't dispose Shutdown token source in ActorSystem's DisposeAsync. by @DenizPiri in #1467
- Log failed spawn by @rogeralsing in #1469
- Log failed dependency resolutions by @rogeralsing in #1470
- Allow passing in context in props.FromProducer by @rogeralsing in #1471
- Do not error log if safe task was canceled by @rogeralsing in #1472
- Fix missing proto registrations by @rogeralsing in #1474
- Allow reregistration of protos by @rogeralsing in #1479
- Wait for partition rebalance retries by @mhelleborg in #1482
- Allow client connections to seed node by @Damian-P in #1484