github asyncapi/spec v2.1.0-2021-06-release.1

latest releases: v3.0.1, v3.0.0, v3.0.0-next-major-spec.18...
pre-release3 years ago

2.1.0-2021-06-release.1 (2021-05-24)


Bug Fixes

  • add missing security schemes to correlationId example (#515) (2351af0)
  • add requirement for updating JSON Schema when contributing (#530) (d934ab9)
  • change minItems of oneOf and anyOf to 1 (#493) (3b78c1d)
  • list of scopes can be empty for oauth2 and openIdConnect (#426) (e2921d5)
  • make sure headers must be object type (#396) (b5a2622)
  • schema should not enforce minProperties (#424) (3fd26a0)


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