github astronautlevel2/Anemone3DS v3.0.0
Anemone3DS: Beyond Journey's End

latest release: v3.0.1
16 days ago

About a month after the beta, we're now releasing the full Anemone3DS v3.0.0 - the first major release of Anemone3DS in ~6 years! Without further ado, let's get into the release notes. Things which are new from v3.0.0b will be bolded to indicate the new features.


  • Fixed various errors when downloading themes via the QR code reader
    • Fix bug with files with * in their name (by @Zemogiter)
    • Fix bugs with Unicode filenames
    • Allow x-zip-compressed to be a valid Mime type
  • Disable home button after installing theme; this was deemed to be the root of a number of corruption issues
  • A failed search in the ThemePlaza browser now properly returns you to the previous page rather than locking the browser in a glitched state.
  • Various scroll/jump bugs fixed

New Features

  • Full badge support! Anemone3DS now supports installing badges, complete with custom sets and set icons. Additionally supports dumping badges, maintaining the set they're from and also dumping the set icon. For more info, check out our wiki.
  • Translation framework allowing for Anemone3DS to be displayed in your native language! Currently only Spanish, Portugese, and French are present, but we're accepting PRs for more languages - feel free to message me or ping me on the ThemePlaza or Nintendo Homebrew discords if you want instructions!
  • Add libcurl fallback so that Anemone can scan QR Codes from anywhere - not just HTTP websites.
  • BCSTM Player added for theme previews, meaning that Anemone3DS should now more accurately represent what will be played on the Home Menu, and allowing for easier testing with tools like Kame Editor which don't produce a preview ogg file.
  • Support for Korean region systems using the home menu patch (thanks to @cooolgamer)
  • Assemble a splash preview if none was found (thanks to @Jan200101)
  • Significant performance improvements, especially when scrolling between many themes
  • New User Interface which should be both more intuitive (no more button combos!) and also more touch-screen friendly
  • Respect Parental Controls which lock the user out of the browser and require a PIN on access if that restriction is enabled
  • Warn the user on installing a theme with mono audio - this can cause many audio issues with the home menu

New Contributors

QR Download Code


A Personal Note

When I initially created Anemone3DS I wasn't in a great state of mind, and the project was something for me to pour myself into and forget about everything around me. I never expected it would end up becoming as widely used as it has; it's genuinely incredible to look back on. Thank you all so, so much for all of your support and encouragement over the years, this community has genuinely changed my life.

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