github astral-sh/ruff v0.0.269

latest releases: v0.4.7, v0.4.6, v0.4.5...
12 months ago

What's Changed

(This is a rerelease of v0.0.268, which didn't make it to PyPI due to user error. As such, the release notes are copied below.)


This release includes optimized implementations of a large portion of pycodestyle, for those that use Ruff without an autoformatter.

In this initial release, the rules are being introduced under a "nursery" flag, which requires that users explicitly select them (e.g., select = ["E111"]); in other words, these rules are not yet enabled via select = ["E"].

If you're interested in testing the pycodestyle rules, you can enable them via:

select = [
    "E111", "E112", "E113", "E114", "E115", "E116", "E117",
    "E201", "E202", "E203", "E211", "E221", "E222", "E223",
    "E224", "E225", "E226", "E227", "E228", "E231", "E251",
    "E252", "E261", "E262", "E265", "E266", "E271", "E272",
    "E273", "E274", "E275",

These rules will be included as part of the E category in a future release.

Breaking Changes



Bug Fixes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.267...v0.0.269

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