github asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf v2.3.4

latest releases: v2.3.17, v2.3.16, v2.3.15...
20 months ago

This is a patch release in the 2.3.x release line that fixes an incompatiblity with Asciidoctor 2.0.10 (for users of Ubuntu 20.04) and resolves attribute references in the target of an inline image in running content when the value is an image macro.



Bug Fixes

  • resolve attribute references in target of image in running content (#2361)
  • replace use of AbstractNode#role= method to ensure compatiblity with minimum supported version of Asciidoctor (Asciidoctor 2.0.10) (#2363)

Release meta

Released on: 2022-10-28
Released by: @mojavelinux
Release beer: Pumking by Southern Tier Brewing Company

Logs: resolved issues | source diff | gem diff


A very special thanks to all the awesome supporters of the Asciidoctor OpenCollective campaign, who provide critical funding for the ongoing development of this project.

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