github asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf v2.0.4

latest releases: v2.3.17, v2.3.16, v2.3.15...
2 years ago

This is a very minor patch release to fix a regression in the calculation of the TOC extent (the page span of the TOC) when the sectids attribute is toggled in the document. We expect to put out another patch release shortly to fix the issue more comprehensively.



Bug Fixes

  • fix calculation of TOC extent when TOC entry has children but no ID (#2208)

Release meta

Released on: 2022-05-26
Released by: @mojavelinux
Release beer: Ghost in the Machine by Parish Brewing Co.

Logs: resolved issues | full diff


A very special thanks to all the awesome supporters of the Asciidoctor OpenCollective campaign who provided critical funding for the development of this release as well as ongoing development of the project.

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