github artilleryio/artillery v2.0.0-30
Artillery v2.0.0-30

latest releases: artillery-2.0.16, artillery-2.0.15, artillery-2.0.14...
16 months ago

What's Changed

New features

  • AWS Lambda - third-party plugins and engines are now supported when running tests on AWS Lambda (#1812)
  • New notStatusCode check in expect plugin (#1793)
  • Datadog integration: includeOnly and excluded options to configure the list of Artillery metrics which are sent to Datadog (a879b4f)

Fixes & improvements

  • When artillery run is used with the --output option, Artillery will check if destination exists before running the test
  • Miscellaneous dependency updates to address deprecation warnings and security advisories

New Contributors

as well as contributions by @juanig1 @hassy

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