github arsLan4k1390/Cherrygram cg-7-5-0

latest releases: 8.8.0, 8.7.0, 8.6.0...
20 months ago

— Update to Telegram v9.5.8,
— Telegram Monet v9.5.7,
Added new icons to Tabs (Folders),
Tab styles became the part of Emoji Panel, Search Panel and Shared Media,
Improved view of One UI switchers,
Improved "Edit" on doble tap feature - reactions will be used for incoming messages while "Edit" will available for outcoming messages,
Fixed some issues with vibration,
Fixed search on long-tap in comments.
— Cherrygram Chats Preferences:
In-chat Notification sound (Disable, IOS or Android),
In-chat vibration.

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