github arrow-kt/arrow 0.10.5
Release 0.10.5

latest releases: 1.2.4, 1.2.3, 1.2.1...
4 years ago

0.10.5 (2020-04-01)



  • Fix apply order of product to be consistent with other methods #71
  • Fix small bug in MonadLogic #56
  • Add deprecation notice to ap #40
  • Stacksafe version of lazyAp #23


  • Deprecate breaking changes for 0.10.5 #67
  • Fix Eval's Fx not being lazy + deprecate Functor's unit #30


  • add typeclasses MonadPlus & MonadLogic #49


  • Package renaming of arrow-core-test #58
  • Rename Gen.genEval to Gen.eval and add Gen.char to core test #57
  • Removed (almost) all Try examples in documentation/comment blocks #50
  • Extend test suite for FoldableLaws #41
  • Unify Foldable to be more aligned with Kotlin stdlib #36
  • Change firstOption implementation #32


  • Rename artifacts to fix inconsistency #77


  • Implemented ValidatedBifunctor #72


  • Doc: fix typo on libraries table of content #78
  • Doc: remove extra badge #73
  • Conf: change doc generation and validation #68
  • Undo unnecessary change #64
  • Conf: download orchestrator #61
  • Fix missing 'Type Class Hierarchy' section in website #55
  • Fix dependencies #54
  • Conf: control transitive dependencies #53
  • Doc: remove old badge #51
  • Fix code snippet according last reorders #48
  • Move static doc from Arrow Docs to arrow-docs module #47
  • Conf: publish arrow-core-test #45
  • Fix directories management #29
  • Fix: test reports #28
  • Configuration: add global checks #2
  • New conf #1



  • Conf: change doc generation and validation #21
  • Undo unnecessary change #20
  • Refactor: remove Arrow UI Test #19
  • Conf: download orchestrator #18
  • Conf: control transitive dependencies #17
  • Use GenK from arrow-core-test #15
  • Clean-up #12
  • Fix directories management #5
  • Fix: test reports #4
  • Configuration: add global checks #2
  • Configuration for the new multi-repo organization #1



  • Fix EitherT generator to compile with latest changes #54
  • Change applicative instances to implement apEval and remove lazyAp #47


  • Fix the code which is stumbled on an old type inference problem of the Kotlin compiler #53


  • Fix Queue flaky tests #122
  • Replace ConcurrentLaws' latch with unsafe promise #118
  • Update Arrow "cancel" wording for consistency #82
  • Refactor parMapN functions, add parTupledN #80
  • Temporarily diable mvar test #62
  • Use GenK from arrow-core-test #59
  • Fix several tests relying on no-op assertion #46
  • Increase test suite for BracketLaws #44


  • add a SemigroupK IO instance #67


  • Remove binary-compatibility-validator #109
  • Check binary compatibility before releasing 0.10.5 #104
  • Remove unneeded KotlinX Coroutines within arrow fx test #97
  • Cleanup fx tests #90
  • Enable ktlint #79
  • Removed (almost) all Try examples in documentation/comment blocks #69
  • Schedule.recurs flaky test #29


  • Add fiber integration + docs #86
  • Queue new API + docs #30


  • Conf: change doc generation and validation #112
  • Undo unnecessary change #98
  • Conf: download orchestrator #94
  • Fix missing 'Type Class Hierarchy' section in website #81
  • Fix dependencies #75
  • Conf: control transitive dependencies #73
  • Move static doc from Arrow Docs to arrow-docs module #55
  • Fix directories management #34
  • Fix: test reports #32
  • Configuration: add global checks #2
  • Configuration for the new multi-repo organization #1



  • Add mtl instances for all datatypes #76
  • Change EitherT MonadError instance #64
  • Fix apEval changes from arrow-core #35
  • EitherT MonadTrans instance and generics reorder #25
  • Kleisli MonadTrans instance and generics reorder #24
  • StateT MonadTrans instance and generics reorder #23
  • Monadtrans instance for WriterT #18


  • Reactivate ConcurrentLaws tests and fix Concurrent instances #85


  • MonadPlus/MonadLogic instances for mtl #69


  • Fix build error #61
  • Removed (almost) all Try examples in documentation/comment blocks #48


  • Clean incubator tests #63


  • Conf: change doc generation and validation #80
  • Disable flaky tests #74
  • Remove unnecessary dependency #72
  • Undo unnecessary change #68
  • Conf: download orchestrator #66
  • Fix missing 'Type Class Hierarchy' section in website #57
  • Conf: control transitive dependencies #52
  • Move static doc from Arrow Docs to arrow-docs module #44
  • Fix directories management #21
  • Fix: test reports #20
  • Configuration: add global checks #2
  • New conf #1



  • Update #37


  • Remove binary-compatibility-validator #44
  • Check binary compatibility before releasing 0.10.5 #41
  • Remove all tests that do not belong to optics #27
  • Removed (almost) all Try examples in documentation/comment blocks #22


  • Follow up arrow-optics-test #31


  • Conf: change doc generation and validation #45
  • Undo unnecessary change #39
  • Conf: download orchestrator #32
  • Fix missing 'Type Class Hierarchy' section in website #26
  • Fix dependencies #25
  • Conf: control transitive dependencies #23
  • Move static doc from Arrow Docs to arrow-docs module #19
  • Fix directories management #12
  • Fix: test reports #11
  • Configuration: add global checks #2
  • Configuration for the new multi-repo organization #1



  • Enable ktlint #16


  • Change configuration name to be included in pom file #24
  • Fix dependencies #23
  • Dependencies: remove kotlin-compiler #22
  • Conf: change doc generation and validation #21
  • Undo unnecessary change #20
  • Conf: download orchestrator #18
  • Conf: control transitive dependencies #15
  • Fix directories management #11
  • Fix: test reports #10
  • Configuration: add global checks #4
  • New conf #1



  • Rename artifacts to fix inconsistency #21
  • Conf: change doc generation and validation #16
  • Undo unnecessary change #15
  • Refactor: remove Arrow Integrations Test #14
  • Conf: download orchestrator #12
  • Conf: control transitive dependencies #11
  • Fix directories management #5
  • Fix: test reports #4
  • Configuration: add global checks #2
  • New conf #1



  • Add note to parTraverse and parSequence explaining problems with large/infinte collections #2015
  • Use AndThen to make Kleisli and StateT more stacksafe #2014
  • Add a stacksafe variant of Join to AndThen #2005
  • Fix recently added doc links #1970
  • Add MonadIO to fx and instances to fx-mtl #1943
  • Prettier show instances #1937
  • Small improvements to ank #1926
  • WriterT inconsistencies #1914
  • Fix OptionT applicative to short-circuit properly #1900
  • Add some convenience methods to alternative #1897
  • Make stacksafe #1896
  • Monad hierarchy tests genk + lots of small test fixes #1884
  • Add lazyAp and use it in traverse implementations #1868
  • Add port of zio's schedule #1393


  • Change docs urls #2079
  • Fix layout reference #2054
  • Adds z-index to slack channel button #1946
  • Hide/show slack channel text box #1944
  • Missing MTL link #1940
  • GitHub stars #1934
  • Reducing loading times in docs #1911
  • Fix sidebar doc version links #1872


  • Official Gradle Wrapper Validation GitHub Action #1930


  • Fixed some typos in documentation. #1890



  • Free should support fx syntax #1985
  • [doc] Crosswalk - typo #1883


  • Add deriving option for @product annotation #1907


  • Change layout for docs recently moved to Fx #2082
  • Increase test suite for MonoidLaws and SemiringLaws #2076
  • Increase test suite for SemigroupLaws #2067
  • Increase test suite for TimerLaws #2064
  • Increase test suite for MonadDeferLaws #2059
  • Nits oncancel onerror #2040
  • Add clarification about Bracket's guarantee #2036
  • Kotlinx coroutines module docs #2035
  • Fix guarantee/guaranteeCase not calling finalizer for error #1999
  • Cancellable version of unsafeRun doesn't throw within run block #1993
  • Fix Async and Concurrent fx block's lazyness #1978
  • Fix recursive flatten for stdlib List #1969
  • Remove ObservableK Traverse/MonadFilter instances as they're not lawful. #1964
  • Fix suspend conversion for project reactor #1947
  • KotlinX Coroutines integration module #1939


  • add onError to Bracket #2022
  • Accum/AccumT #1988
  • MonadTrans #1924
  • use GenK for testdata generation #1891
  • use GenK for testdata generation in MonadFilter and related laws #1877
  • ComonadLaws uses GenK for testdata generation #1875
  • provide testdata with Gen/GenK instead of construction functions #1844


  • Arrow jackson support #1889


  • Add XML syntax highlighting to the readme file #1874


  • Fixes link to Sum data type #1931


  • DOCS: update slack link #arrow channel #1989


  • Revert "Reducing loading times in docs" #1919
  • Add invalidation command on site publishing #1861


  • Add list of Kotlin modules to be excluded to avoid dependency collisions #2114
  • Downgrade kotlin version back to 1.3.61 #2113
  • Bump version of KOTLIN_VERSION #2108
  • Add kotlin binary compatibility version #2107
  • Re-enabled MVar test #2086
  • Increase test suite for AsyncLaws #2077
  • Add MonadThrow laws #2060
  • Increase test suite for MonadLaws #2058
  • Update tests for ApplicativeLaws #2038
  • Update test suite for FunctorLaws #2037
  • Race in fiber raises cancellation exception #1986
  • RaceN arity9 #1968
  • Deprecate bind operator component1 #1965
  • Rename Applicative#map to #mapN and tupled to tupledN #1950


  • Next iteration 0.10.5-SNAPSHOT #1867
  • Release 0.10.4 #1866


  • Update Ank to 1.3.50 #1921
  • Move AndMonoid to core and redefine Ior.Left and Ior.Right #1920
  • small fix to Traverse Docs #1903
  • Adds UnsafeRun instance for MaybeK #1902
  • Add Traverse Docs #1534



  • Add queue functor #1904


  • DOCS: replaced non-existent Either.just(a: A) with Either.right(a: A)… #1945
  • Replaced nuclear war examples with cooking examples #1915


  • Refactor ConcurrentQueue internals #2081
  • Add stack-safety, parallel & timer tests to Concurrent #2034
  • Polymorphic Ref Test #2031
  • Fix MVar Async #2023
  • Add onCancel to Bracket #2017
  • Add race 3 to guarantee order of scheduling #2012
  • Enable ParMapN for IO up to arity 9 #1951
  • Fix stack safety parallel ops #1928


  • Docs: Corrected code-snippet compilation problems in Error-Handling page #2042


  • Add handleErrorWith for Validated #2052
  • Fixes in Monad comprehensions doc #1894


  • Fix Bintray timed out: split publication #2119
  • Fix libraries location #2118
  • Format release notes #2117
  • Release 0.10.5 #2116
  • Release flow #2115
  • Conf: compatibility with MacOS #2112
  • Dm bump kotlin version #2111
  • Revert "Bump version of KOTLIN_VERSION" #2110
  • Conf: add new actions #2109
  • Conf: provide new Gradle tasks to work with local dependencies #2106
  • Doc: details about the website #2105
  • Doc: details about 'Type Class Hierarchy' sections #2104
  • Add sync with release/0.11.0 branch #2103
  • Improve site publish from libraries #2102
  • Update documentation #2100
  • Conf: workaround for crossed dependencies with arrow-test #2096
  • Doc: details about the move #2095
  • Conf: extract test configuration #2094
  • Clean: empty file #2090
  • Doc: fix old links #2088
  • Clean: old documentation #2084
  • Configuration: remove unnecessary trigger #2075
  • Fx: disable flaky test #2072
  • Clean: remove unnecessary files #2070
  • Re-org: starting point #2066
  • Conf: extract versions #2065
  • Conf: remove duplicated version #2051
  • Docs: add ank to snippets and update documentation #1997
  • Fix: change token to sync branches #1992
  • Fix sync release branch with master #1987
  • Clean dead configuration #1972
  • Add an automatic sync for release/0.11.0 #1967
  • Doc: update badges to show both WIP versions #1959
  • Config: publish artifacts from release/0.11.0 branch #1955
  • Refactor: extract versions #1948
  • Fix #1936: update doc publication #1938
  • Fix: Arrow Ank Gradle adds required dependencies #1936
  • DOC: add card image #1886


  • Ensure effect order is preserved with Traversable #1879
  • Adds Sliding, Dropping and Unbounded strategies to arrow.fx.Queue #1832

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