github arichornlover/uYouEnhanced v17.49.6-2.1-(508)
v17.49.6-2.1 + uYouPlusExtra Features

2 years ago

uYouPlusExtra Features

uYouPlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the original uYouPlus which were probably denied.

arichorn/LowContrastMode: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

arichorn/LowContrastModeColors: This tweak is an add-on of LowContrastMode, for users who doesn’t use gray will get a set of colors to switch which changes and improves the UI Customization.

arichorn/YTNoModernUI: This tweak eliminates anything Modern-related, best used along with “YouPiP >> Fake YouTube Version”

level3tjg/YTNoHeatwaves: Turns off the Heatwaves Feature in the video player.

PoomSmart/YTNoUpgradeDialog: Disables the Upgrade Dialog so you won’t be prompt to update the app.

PoomSmart/YouMute: Mute/unmute videos in YouTube directly.

PoomSmart/YTUnShorts: Remove Shorts from YouTube app's feed.

uYouPlusExtra Downsides

MiRO92/YTNoShorts: Option to use this tweak has been completely disabled by default with uYouPlusExtra in “uYou > Other Settings > Remove Shorts Section in YT Home” to make up for a new tweak called YTUnShorts by PoomSmart.

uYouPlusExtra App Version & Compatibility

Default YouTube IPA: v17.49.6
Default App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later

uYouPlusExtra Release Information


  • Updated YouTube to v17.49.6
  • Added arichorn’s YTNoModernUI Tweak
  • Added PoomSmart’s YTUnShorts
  • Completely Turned off MiRO’s YTNoShorts Tweak (Reason: having this enabled with YTUnShorts enabled will cause serious problems)


If you ever have trouble using uYou 2.1 in this release, then I suggest downloading the ipa below that makes uYou 2.1 work the best on since v16.42.3 was the native support for it.

16.42.3 Direct Download:

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