github arichornlover/uYouEnhanced v17.33.2-2.1-(128)
v17.33.2-2.1 + YTDisableHighContrastIcons [+ v16.42.3-2.1]

22 months ago

uYouPlus by qnblackcat but adds the YTDisableHighContrastIcons Tweak that wasn’t added to the original uYouPlus.
YTDisableHighContrastIcons: This tweak helps remove the new icon color changes when YouTube changed them way back in 2020 August/September.

RELEASE: this is a stable version! Original Version of uYou 2.1 by MiRO will no longer be in 16.42.3 by me! I hope this version of uYou does everything to help you out on YouTube and have the ability to stay up to date whenever YouTube ends support for 16.42.3!
Main IPA: 17.33.2

F1: Updated YouTube to 17.33.2 + YTDisableHighContrastIcons Improvements
F2: Login Issues Successfully Resolved!
F3: a few uYou Bugs patched by level3tjg!
F4: a few more uYou Bugs patched by level3tjg once again!

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