github arichornlover/uYouEnhanced v17.23.6-2.1-(38)
v17.23.6-2.1 + YTDisableHighContrastIcons & YTOldIconStyle

2 years ago

uYouPlus by qnblackcat but adds the YTDisableHighContrastIcons Tweak that wasn’t added to the original uYouPlus.
YTDisableHighContrastIcons: This tweak helps remove the new icon color changes when YouTube changed them way back in 2020 August/September.

IPA: 17.23.6
F1: YouTube 17.23.6 Original Release
F2: No More iOS 16 Crash
F3: Added Support for iSponserBlock so it'll funtion better with the other tweaks. (YTDisableHighContrastIcons)
F4: Added the textTartiary to the Tweak. (YTDisableHighContrastIcons)
F5: textTartiary doesn’t work, replaced it with text. (YTDisableHighContrastIcons)
F6: patched localization support issues with YT Casting. (from Original uYouPlus)
F7: Added YTOldIconStyle Tweak (WARNING: Tweak may not work since it doesn’t have the functions in uYouPlus.xm)
F8: fixed YTDisableHighContrastIcons Color

F5 DISCLAIMER: I don’t have no clue what the code youtube uses so i was putting random codes from the app to see if they worked.

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