github argoproj/argo-events v1.3.0-rc1

latest releases: stable, v1.9.2, v1.9.1...
pre-release3 years ago

What's New?

  • An optional validating-webhook is introduced to Argo Events, see the detail here.
  • Prometheus metrics is now available, see the detail.
  • A simple tool for stress testing is available here.
  • CRD version is update from to, and status subresource is enabled.
  • Trigger now has the ability to retry.
  • Some other features and enhancement as well as bug fixes.
  • Some of the features are deprecated, and will be unsupported in future version, if you are still using them please migrate to new approaches. See the list below.
  1. caCertPath, clientCertPath and clientKeyPath for tlsConfig in EventSources and Sensor will be unsupported in v1.5, use caCertSecret, caCertSecret and clientKeySecret instead.
  2. spec.nats.native.antiAffinity in EventBus will be unsupported in v1.5, use spec.nats.native.affinity instead.
  3. userPayload in CalendarEventSource will be unsupported in v1.5, use metadata instead.
  4. credentialsFile in PubSubEventSource will be unsupported in v1.5, use credentialSecret instead.
  5. serverCertPath and serverKeyPath for webhook typed EventSource will be unsupported in v1.5, use serverCertSecret and serverKeySecret instead.
  6. circuit, switch and dependencyGroups will be unsupported in v1.5, use Trigger Conditions instead.
  7. certFilePath in CustomTrigger spec will be unsupported in v1.5, use certSecret instead.
  8. When configuring trigger source with git, sshKeyPath will be unsupported in v1.5, use sshKeySecret instead.

Major Changes

Enhancements & Fixes

  • #1008 feat: Kafka sensor support multiple URLs
  • #1009 feat: AMQPEventSource extra parameters.
  • #1014 chore: Publish images to
  • #1030 feat: use status resources for controller reconciliation
  • #1033 fix(eventbus): set nats routes with pod DNS names
  • #1041 feat: implement delete function for k8s objects
  • #1021 feat: Introducing a Validating Admission Controller
  • #1058 fix(slack trigger): properly iterate api response
  • #1061 fix: Use different clientID for each EventBus reconnection
  • #1054 chore: update CRD version to
  • #1052 feat(eventsource): Support NATS access with auth
  • #1066 feat: Prevent EventBus with clients connected from being deleted
  • #1070 fix: make caCert, clientCert and clientKey optional for tls config
  • #1078 fix(sensor): Slack trigger should not join conversation for private channel
  • #1047 feat: Expose Prometheus metrics.
  • #1081 feat: enable Priority and PriorityClassName for CRD objects
  • #1083 feat: expose entire affinity field for native nats eventbus
  • #1085 chore: Do not create metrics service for EventBus
  • #1090 feat: Ability to retry trigger
  • #1098 fix: Changed Result.Str to Result.String(). Fixes: #1097
  • #1115 fix(SQS): Log errors with SQS connections. Fixes #1114
  • #1123 feat(sensor): add template function in filter matching
  • #1124 fix(GithubEventSource): Compare events ignoring order and duplicate




kubectl create namespace argo-events
kubectl apply -n argo-events -f

# Install validating-webhook
kubectl apply -n argo-events -f

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