github argoproj-labs/argocd-autopilot v0.2.15

latest releases: v0.4.18, v0.4.17, v0.4.16...
3 years ago

Bug fixes:

  • Typo in error message #162
  • The cluster-resources application-set should not have an empty project value #165
  • Creating a DirApp with an existing name overwrites the previous application #158
  • Creating a DirApp with no path in the repo causes app to not be created in the cluster #166


  • Default bootstrap now installs Argo-CD 2.1.1 and ApplicationSet 0.2.0 #168



To use the argocd-autopilot CLI you need to download the latest binary from the git release page.

Using brew:

# install
brew install argocd-autopilot

# check the installation
argocd-autopilot version

Linux and WSL (using curl):

# download and extract the binary
curl -L --output - | tar zx

# move the binary to your $PATH
mv ./argocd-autopilot-* /usr/local/bin/argocd-autopilot

# check the installation
argocd-autopilot version

Mac (using curl):

# download and extract the binary
curl -L --output - | tar zx

# move the binary to your $PATH
mv ./argocd-autopilot-* /usr/local/bin/argocd-autopilot

# check the installation
argocd-autopilot version


When using the Docker image, you have to provide the .kube and .gitconfig directories as mounts to the running container:

docker run \
  -v ~/.kube:/home/autopilot/.kube \
  -v ~/.gitconfig:/home/autopilot/.gitconfig \
  -it <cmd> <flags>

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