github arduino/arduino-cli 0.12.0-rc2

latest releases: v1.0.0, v1.0.0-rc.2, v1.0.0-rc.1...
pre-release3 years ago



046d2e0 Add Description field to lib list output (#845)
72c9655 Allow empty network.proxy setting (#830)
860d1df core install now emits an error if a tool is not available for current OS (#795)
93158d2 Print a friendly message if a tool is not available (#794)
f4a55e6 Add fqbn flag for board details command (#895)
45b2421 Allow post_install for untrusted platforms (#911)
b8475a0 Add outdated, update and upgrade commands (#865)
2f87583 Create gRPC interface for update, upgrade and outdated commands (#903)
1f42d58 Added support for version pinning in (#766)


034dd0f Run post_install when needed (#893)
319dede Package index is now downloaded automatically when is required (#908)
b4a480f Change update --outdated flag to --show-outdated (#884)
a6e4fdf Updated translation files (#756)


18d995b Fix board list failing because stdin is already set (#904)
b2ed18f Hack to fix zsh completion (#806)
82df01f Properly fix zsh completion (#892)
1785314 Fix tools tty detection (fix avrdude running in safe mode) (#897)


2d7e3d1 Fix -DARDUINO_LIB_DISCOVERY_PHASE automatic flag incompatiblity in some rare circumstances (#838)
3249595 Daemon now listen to localhost-only (#763)
1ad33cd Implemented package_index.json signature verification (#791)

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