github ardatan/graphql-tools release-1723117870341
August 08, 2024

latest releases: release-1736494320366, @graphql-tools/url-loader@8.0.24, @graphql-tools/github-loader@8.0.13...
5 months ago


Patch Changes

  • dbb0516
    Thanks @ardatan! - If there are repeated computed fields like below,
    project the data for the computed fields for each fields and merge them correctly. And if they
    are array as in userOrders, merge them by respecting the order (the second one can have price

    type UserOrder @key(fields: "id") {
      id: ID!
      status: String!
      price: Int!
    type User @key(fields: "id") {
      id: ID!
      userOrders: [UserOrder!] @external
      totalOrdersPrices: Int @requires(fields: "userOrders { id }")
      aggregatedOrdersByStatus: Int @requires(fields: "userOrders { id }")

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