github ardatan/graphql-tools release-1718087315218
June 11, 2024

latest releases: release-1719006907498, @graphql-tools/executor@1.2.7, release-1718698965460...
14 days ago


Patch Changes

  • #6238
    Thanks @ardatan! - Merge the elements of the lists if the root field
    is shared across different subgraphs

    type Query {
      products: [Product] # If this field is returned by multiple subgraphs, the elements of the lists will be merged
  • Updated dependencies

    • @graphql-tools/utils@10.2.2


Patch Changes

  • #6238
    Thanks @ardatan! - If the given objects are arrays with the same
    length, merge the elements.

    const a = [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }]
    const b = [{ c: 3 }, { d: 4 }]
    const result = mergeDeep(a, b) // [{ a: 1, c: 3 }, { b: 2, d: 4 }]

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