github ardatan/graphql-tools release-1717494876724
June 04, 2024

latest releases: release-1720197521507, @graphql-tools/utils@10.3.1, @graphql-tools/executor-http@1.1.2...
one month ago


Major Changes

  • #6227
    Thanks @ardatan! - BREAKING: invalidateSupergraph is now replaced
    with invalidateUnifiedGraph


Major Changes

  • #6227
    Thanks @ardatan! - BREAKING: invalidateSupergraph is now replaced
    with invalidateUnifiedGraph

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @graphql-tools/executor-envelop@3.0.0


Major Changes

  • #6227
    Thanks @ardatan! - BREAKING CHANGES:
    • getSubschemasFromSupergraphSdl has been removed in favor of the new
      getStitchingOptionsFromSupergraphSdl, and it returns the options for stitchSchemas instead
      of the map of subschemas
    • onExecutor has been removed in favor of onSubschemaConfig
    • To change the default HTTP executor options, use httpExecutorOpts instead of onExecutor

Patch Changes

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