github ardatan/graphql-tools @graphql-tools/stitch@7.2.0

latest releases: release-1719834197799, @graphql-tools/utils@10.2.3, @graphql-tools/stitch@9.2.10...
3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • d9b82a2: enhance(stitch) canonical merged type and field definitions. Use the @canonical directive to promote preferred type and field descriptions into the combined gateway schema.

Patch Changes

  • d9b82a2: fix(merge/stitch) consistent enum value merge
  • Updated dependencies [d9b82a2]
  • Updated dependencies [d9b82a2]
  • Updated dependencies [d9b82a2]
    • @graphql-tools/merge@6.2.7
    • @graphql-tools/delegate@7.0.9

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