github ardatan/graphql-tools @graphql-tools/stitch@7.1.5

latest releases: release-1714668617013, @graphql-tools/federation@1.1.34, release-1714662834536...
3 years ago

Patch Changes

  • cd5da45: fix(stitch): type merging for nested root types

    Because root types do not usually require selectionSets, a nested root type proxied to a remote service may end up having an empty selectionSet, if the nested root types only includes fields from a different subservice.

    Empty selection sets return null, but, in this case, it should return an empty object. We can force this behavior by including the __typename field which exists on every schema.

    Addresses #2347.

    In the future, we may want to include short-circuiting behavior that when delegating to composite fields, if an empty selection set is included, an empty object is returned rather than null. This short-circuiting behavior would be complex for lists, as it would be unclear the length of the list...

  • Updated dependencies [cd5da45]

  • Updated dependencies [cd5da45]

  • Updated dependencies [cd5da45]

    • @graphql-tools/delegate@7.0.8
    • @graphql-tools/utils@7.1.6

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