github archway-network/archway v0.5.0

latest releases: v9.0.0, v9.0.0-rc4, v9.0.0-rc3...
18 months ago

Breaking Changes

#357 - Bumped the proto versions for x/rewards and x/tracking from v1beta1 to v1


#330 - Proper chain upgrade flow.
#351 - Add minimum price of gas.
#347 - Unified release for cross-compiled binaries and docker images
#381 - Follow the same naming convention for all builds


#356 - x/rewards genesis runs before x/genutil to correctly process genesis txs.


#356 - Disallow setting module accounts as reward address


#342 - updated the contract premium ADR docs to elaborate on the difference between using Contract Premiums and using x/wasmd funds

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