github aquaproj/aqua v1.36.0-1

latest releases: v2.37.2, v2.37.1, v2.37.0...
pre-release20 months ago



#1668 #1710 Show the content of the unarchived directory if the executable file isn't found
#1704 #1705 Output HTTP status code when it fails to install a http package

Show the content of the unarchived directory if the executable file isn't found

#1668 #1710


$ aqua i --test
ERRO[0000] check file_src is correct                     aqua_version= env=darwin/arm64 error="check file_src is correct: exe_path isn't found: stat /Users/shunsukesuzuki/.local/share/aquaproj-aqua/pkgs/github_release/ no such file or directory" file_name=aks-engine package_name=Azure/aks-engine package_version=v0.76.0 program=aqua registry=standard
ERRO[0000] executable files aren't found
Files in the unarchived package:
   aqua_version= env=darwin/arm64 package_name=Azure/aks-engine package_version=v0.76.0 program=aqua registry=standard
ERRO[0000] install the package                           aqua_version= env=darwin/arm64 error="check file_src is correct" package_name=Azure/aks-engine package_version=v0.76.0 program=aqua registry=standard
FATA[0000] aqua failed                                   aqua_version= env=darwin/arm64 error="it failed to install some packages" program=aqua

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