github aquaproj/aqua v1.34.0

latest releases: v2.37.2, v2.37.1, v2.37.0...
20 months ago

Pull Requests | Issues | v1.33.0...v1.34.0


#1655 #1662 generate-registry: Support generating version_overrides and testdata

Add command line options --deep and --out-testdata to aqua gr command.

  • --deep: Generate version_overrides
  • --out-testdata: Output testdata to a file

⚠️ --deep option calls GitHub API per GitHub Release. So if there are a lot of GitHub Releases, many GitHub API are called and GitHub API rate limiting may occur.


#1639 generate-registry: Support md5 and sha1
#1640 generate-registry: Fix checksum asset names
#1611 Use the default configuration if the package version doesn't match any version_constraint


#1638 generate-registry: Refactoring

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