Issues | Pull Requests | v4.65.0...v4.66.0
🎉 New Packages
#16338 mesosphere/mindthegap: Easily create and use bundles for air-gapped environments @CrystalMethod
#16330 moonrepo/moon: A task runner and repo management tool for the web ecosystem @CrystalMethod
#16335 moonrepo/proto: A pluggable multi-language version manager @CrystalMethod
#16337 sigi-cli/sigi: Sigi - a tool for organizing @booniepepper
#16337 so-dang-cool/dt: dt - duct tape for your unix pipes @booniepepper
#16337 so-dang-cool/fib: A Fibonacci CLI @booniepepper
#16337 so-dang-cool/findup: Find parent directories @booniepepper
#16337 so-dang-cool/yn: Dirt-simple yes/no prompts for your shell scripts @booniepepper
#16332 misc: update docs link in aqua-policy.yaml @booniepepper
🎉 New Contributors
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