github aquaproj/aqua-registry v4.213.0

latest releases: v4.249.0, v4.248.0, v4.247.0...
2 months ago

Issues | Pull Requests | v4.212.0...v4.213.0

🎉 New Packages

#25852 cloudnative-pg/cloudnative-pg/kubectl-cnpg: CloudNativePG is a comprehensive platform designed to seamlessly manage PostgreSQL databases within Kubernetes environments, covering the entire operational lifecycle from initial deployment to ongoing maintenance @boris-smidt-klarrio
#25779 g-plane/pnpm-shell-completion: a shell plugin designed to enhance the command-line experience with pnpm by providing tab-completion features @elecdeer
#25850 shenwei356/rush: A cross-platform command-line tool for executing jobs in parallel @boris-smidt-klarrio


#25838 abiosoft/colima: Regenerate the setting
#25789 caddyserver/caddy: Add cosign configs @sapphi-red
#25788 hadolint/hadolint: Re-scaffold hadolint/hadolint to include checksum @sapphi-red
#25829 volta-cli/volta: Follow up changes of volta v2.0.0 for macOS

Volta will now use a universal binary on Mac, rather than separate Intel- & ARM-specific builds (volta-cli/volta#1635)

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