github aquaproj/aqua-registry v4.189.0

latest releases: v4.201.0, v4.200.0, v4.199.0...
29 days ago

Issues | Pull Requests | v4.188.0...v4.189.0

🎉 New Packages

#23541 stacklok/frizbee: Throw a tag at and it comes back with a checksum
#23547 context-labs/mactop: mactop - Apple Silicon Monitor Top written in pure Golang! Under 1,000 lines of code @ryoppippi


#23546 Rename the package cosmtrek/air to air-verse/air as the GitHub Repository was transferred
#23450 Rename the package benthosdev/benthos to redpanda-data/connect as the GitHub Repository was transferred


#23490 redpanda-data/connect: Follow up changes of redpanda-connect v4.28.0

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