github aquaproj/aqua-registry v4.156.0

latest releases: v4.197.0, v4.196.0, v4.195.0...
2 months ago

Issues | Pull Requests | v4.155.1...v4.156.0

🎉 New Packages

#21293 #21301 charmbracelet/freeze: Generate images of code and terminal output
#21486 fe3dback/go-arch-lint: GoLang architecture linter (checker) tool. Will check all project import path and compare with arch rules defined in yml file. Useful for hexagonal / onion / ddd / mvc and other architectural patterns. Tool can by used in your CI

Bug Fixes

#21287 lxc/incus: Fix the bug that the different binary (incus-migrate) is installed on linux


#21410 commercialhaskell/stack: Regenerate the setting

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