Issues | Pull Requests | v4.154.0...v4.155.0
🎉 New Packages
#21127 ynqa/jnv: interactive JSON filter using jq @ponkio-o
#21079 zaghaghi/openapi-tui: Terminal UI to list, browse and run APIs defined with openapi spec @wancup
#21122 Update some packages to support Cosign v2
⚠️ To install the following packages, aqua v2.25.1 or later is required.
- aquaproj/aqua-registry-updater
- aquaproj/registry-tool
- argoproj/argo-workflows
- chainguard-dev/apko
- chainguard-dev/melange
- charmbracelet/gum
- goreleaser/nfpm
- kubernetes-sigs/zeitgeist
- lintnet/lintnet
- suzuki-shunsuke/ci-info
- suzuki-shunsuke/circleci-config-merge
- suzuki-shunsuke/cmdx
- suzuki-shunsuke/ghalint
- suzuki-shunsuke/ghcp
- suzuki-shunsuke/github-comment
- suzuki-shunsuke/mkghtag
- suzuki-shunsuke/nllint
- suzuki-shunsuke/pinact
- suzuki-shunsuke/renovate-issue-action
- suzuki-shunsuke/tfcmt
- suzuki-shunsuke/tfprovidercheck
- terraform-linters/tflint
- tfmigrator/cli
- updatecli/updatecli
- yuyaban/gitlab-comment
#21062 #21063 #21064 #21065 #21066 Transfer k0kubun/xremap/* to xremap/xremap/*
The GitHub Repository of the package "k0kubun/xremap/hypr" was transferred from k0kubun/xremap to xremap/xremap