github aquaproj/aqua-registry v3.85.0

latest releases: v4.188.0, v4.187.1, v4.187.0...
19 months ago

Issues | Pull Requests | v3.84.0...v3.85.0

🎉 New Packages

#7473 genuinetools/amicontained: Container introspection tool. Find out what container runtime is being used as well as features available
#7488 mitchellh/gon: Sign, notarize, and package macOS CLI tools and applications written in any language. Available as both a CLI and a Go library
#7486 runatlantis/atlantis: Terraform Pull Request Automation
#7495 sonatype-nexus-community/nancy: A tool to check for vulnerabilities in your Golang dependencies, powered by Sonatype OSS Index


Thank you, Contributors!

@CrystalMethod #7495
@mikutas #7486

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