github aquaproj/aqua-registry v3.26.0

latest releases: v4.182.0, v4.181.0, v4.180.1...
21 months ago

Issues | Pull Requests | v3.25.0...v3.26.0

🎉 New Packages

#5387 fastly/cli: A CLI for interacting with the Fastly platform
#5389 fastly/terrctl: A command-line client for Fastly Terrarium.
#5381 metalbear-co/mirrord: By mirroring traffic to and from your machine, mirrord surrounds your local service with a mirror image of its cloud environment
#5390 simeji/jid: json incremental digger


#5392 mattn/gof: Support arm64 from v0.0.12
#5391 crate-ci/typos: Add supported_envs


Thank you, Contributors!

@ponkio-o #5387 #5389
@4513ECHO #5390 #5392 #5391

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