github aquaproj/aqua-registry v3.100.0

latest releases: v4.182.0, v4.181.0, v4.180.1...
17 months ago

Issues | Pull Requests | v3.99.0...v3.100.0

🎉 New Packages

#8161 Orange-OpenSource/hurl: Hurl, run and test HTTP requests with plain text
#8149 mongodb/mongodb-atlas-cli/atlascli: MongoDB Atlas CLI and MongoDB CLI enable you to manage your MongoDB in the Cloud
#8136 svenstaro/miniserve: For when you really just want to serve some files over HTTP right now


#8166 argoproj/argo-workflows: support >= v3.4.4

The format of checksum file was changed


Thank you, Contributors!

@ponkio-o #8149
@CrystalMethod #8136 #8161

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