github aptos-labs/aptos-core aptos-node-v1.8.1
[Mainnet | Testnet] Release v1.8.1

latest releases: aptos-node-v1.16.1-rc, aptos-node-v1.16.0-rc, aptos-framework-v1.15.0...
7 months ago

Release Notes

Recommended CLI Version: v2.3.0+
Docker Link: aptos-node-v1.8.1

New features and enhancements

Aptos Frameworks

  • AIP-49 – Add transaction support for SECP256K1 ECDSA. This uses feature flag: single_sender_authenticator. This reuses the same feature flag as AIP-55.
  • AIP-52 – Automatically create user accounts when said account is sponsored by another fee paying account. This uses feature flag: sponsored_automatic_account_creation
  • AIP-53 – Make it so that a transaction sent by a client need not know who the fee payer is when signing the transaction. This uses feature flag: fee_payer_account_optional
  • AIP-55 – Generalize transaction authentication making it easier to add new transaction authenticators used across single singer, multi-agent, and fee payer transactions. It also adds support for generalized K-of-N multikey accounts, previously only available to ED22519. This uses feature flag: single_sender_authenticator

Move Language and VM

  • Limits the maximum identifier length in Move modules from 65535 to 255, which is used in the serializer and deserializer of the Move binary format. This uses feature flag: limit_max_identifier_length

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