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[Testnet] Aptos Node Release v1.14.0

latest releases: aptos-node-v1.16.1-rc, aptos-node-v1.16.0-rc, aptos-framework-v1.15.0...
pre-release22 days ago

Release Hash: 17cfcf9

CLI Version this release is compatible with: v3.4.1+

Aptos Improvement Proposals (AIPs)

Check out all of our AIPs and discussions here on GitHub.

Breaking Changes

  • [AIP-70] Parallelize Fungible Assets - opt-in parallel fungible balance
    • Ecosystem Impact: In order to track fungible asset balances correctly (for the accounts that opt-in to the new feature), now both old and new field needs to be summed up: FungibleStore.balance + ConcurrentFungibleBalance.balance. If using indexer, this change will make it transparently handled by provided processors. fungible_asset::balance view function will continue providing correct balance.
    • Dependencies: None

New features and enhancements

Aptos Blockchain

State sync

  • Fixed warning log from latency monitor complaining about “unable to read the latest block timestamp”


  • Implemented a new “order votes” mechanism to reduce the consensus latency. Earlier, it takes for 4 hops of latency for a block to be ordered after the block is proposed. The new order votes mechanism reduces the latency to 3 hops. To achieve this, when a validator obtains the QC on a block r, the validator immediately signs the QC and broadcasts a new type of vote called “order vote”. This results in obtaining a 2-chain QC on the block r one hop earlier. The feature is added behind the new order_vote_enabled flag in onchain consensus config. The flag is currently disabled and will be enabled later on with an AIP approval.





  • Add aggregator_v2::is_at_least API which can be used to check for minimal balance among other things.
  • Add checks to the extended checker for safe usage of randomness.
  • Consolidate production configs for VM

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